Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Bridge: Between "Cell Block A..."

Your child has been arrested and put in prison falsely accused of murder, where do you turn for help?

Most of us would answer a good lawyer, but when Jackie Carpenter's worst nightmare became a reality she turned to the hand of Christ and Psalm 91.

The Bridge: Between "Cell Block A" and a Miracle is:  Psalm 91 by Jackie Carpenter is based on the true story of Jason Veitch, a man who was given terrible advice from a law enforcement officer then suffered the consequences.  However, Jackie's faith in God and His words in Psalm 91 kept her going, not only holding up herself, but her son as well.

Jackie proclaims not to be a writer, but her eloquent and heart felt story of her and her family's trials and tribulations throughout Jason's 3 month incarceration dictates otherwise.  I found myself living Jackie's fears and was uplifted by her strong and never waivering faith - this book is a must read!

For more information on Jackie Carpenter and both her books, check out her web site at; http://bridgetoamiracle.com/

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