Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolution - Success!

7 Tips to Help Your Career and Business Flourish in 2012

1. Learn from colleagues. Informally meet with each individual effected by your job and ask them what parts of your performance could help them a little better - what would improve things on their end. (Always speak as equals.) Visibly take notes. Make it a habit with each new project. Will it work? Worked for Ken Parker who rose from lawn cutter to President of Atlantic City Electric.

2. Sharpen your image. Dressed in your typical business attire, make a brief presentation to a very good friend in your usual business tone and words. Listen to their honest assessment of what they are actually hearing and seeing. Thank them for their advice, then work to forge the image you need to convey. (P.S. Remain Yourself - Always.) Works for & recommended by Janet Cargill, author of “Look Damn Good”.

3. Get closer to customers. If your job in accounting doesn’t ever involve customer contact, reach out and get to know a few. If you deliver product to the front door, carry it inside and take a moment to talk. If you sell, take time from the pitch and learn about their after hours interests. Owners, pick up the phone and chat. After all, these folks make your business. Has worked for more than a quarter century for Richard K. Rein, founding publisher of U.S. 1 Newspaper.

4. Send a handwritten, snail-mailed thank you note to a colleague. If words are beyond you, make it a sticky note posted on their computer. Make it a periodic habit. Watch others spread the word and work to earn one of your notes. Works for Bart Jackson, CEO of Prometheus Publishing, LLC; also worked for Mr. J.P. Morgan.

5. Get active in your professional organization. While carefully allotting your time, volunteer to help the membership committee (best way to meet folks.) Also attend organization meetings of those to whose positions you aspire. Works for Genevia Fulbright, President of Fulbright & Fulbright CPA, PA.

6. Plan for success. The one common factor of all successful companies is that they plan to be successful from the start. It governs their every decision. Let this be the year you pause, dream a bit, raise your aim to those loftier heights, and begin engineering the ramp up to them. Works for Michael Griffith, CEO, of Laureate Biopharmaceutical Services, Inc.

7. Parting Thought: Time is your most precious resource. Guard it well. No one else will. Works for everyone.

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