Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Teacher Appreciation - Ecards

Is your child's (or your) teacher special? Want to show them just how much they're appreciated? Why not send him or her a wonderful ecard.

I actually never thought of this fantastic idea until I read it on Rexanne's Teacher Appreciation Page. Check out this and many other fun ideas at;

Plus, Rexanne doesn't just have teacher appreciation pages, she also has many other links, such as Mother's Day (coming up), Father's Day, Birthdays, Graduations and anything else you could possibly think of.

Check it out. You won't be sorry :)


Pam said...

I loved those questions you hope your students won't ask. I used to teach elementary school and I think my kids used to lie awake at night dreaming of questions to ask. :)
Following your blog. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

Sandie lee said...

Thanks Pam. looking forward to reading your stuff as well :)

Cooking Up Faith said...

Great ideas! I'm following your blog now!

Sandie lee said...

Thank you so much. And you will be automatically entered into my Giveaway once I hit 50 followers :)

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